
How To Put Money On A Greenlight Card

There are lots of means to fund your Greenlight business relationship. Discover out how to add, transfer, and gift money to your child.

  • How to Add together Money to a Greenlight Carte du jour
    • Add together Funds With a Bank Business relationship
    • Add Funds With a Debit Carte
    • How to Add Money to Your Child's Account
    • Tin can Grandparents Add together Coin to Greenlight?
    • Can You Add Money Using an ATM?

Adding coin to your Greenlight account is piece of cake and flexible.

Greenlight is a debit carte du jour for kids. The platform gives parents the terminal say on how their kids can apply their money. Kids can learn to manage money with an educational app.

There are a couple of different ways to fund your Greenlight business relationship correct through the app.

Find out the best ways to add money to your Greenlight card. Plus, learn what the limitations are for this kid'south banking app.

How to Add Money to a Greenlight Card

To load your child'southward card, yous first need to transfer coin to your parent's wallet. You tin do this by using the Greenlight app. Transfers from a funding source usually accept 2-iii concern days to reach your account.

One time y'all link a funding source, you tin easily transfer money to your kid's business relationship. Parents tin link upwardly to 2 banking company accounts and 2 debit cards to Greenlight.

Hither's a step-past-step breakup of how to add your money and funding sources.

Add Funds With a Banking concern Business relationship

Y'all can either add together a bank account instantly or manually through the app. Y'all'll need to provide your depository financial institution login information to add your account instantly. And so, you lot tin can transfer money to your Greenlight account with a minimum of $1.00.

Add a Bank Instantly

  1. Tap the gear icon in the top correct of the parent app (Settings)
  2. Go to Funding preferences > Funding sources > Add a Funding Account
  3. Choose Add a bank instantly
  4. Find your bank and enter your banking credentials
  5. Verify your data past text or call
  6. Confirm your bank account

If y'all'd rather add a bank using your checking and routing number, you lot can enter your details manually.

Add a Bank Manually

  1. Tap the gear icon in the top correct of the parent app (Settings)
  2. Go to Funding preferences > Funding sources > Add a Funding Business relationship
  3. Cull "Add a banking company manually"
  4. Select your account blazon and enter your account details
  5. Verify your account by entering the 2 micro deposit amounts posted to your bank account
  6. Confirm your banking company account within i-2 days (micro deposits will be removed)

Tip: Using a depository financial institution account every bit a funding source instead of a debit menu makes you eligible for Greenlight'due south Savings Advantage. Families can earn upward to 2% per twelvemonth on a child'southward savings.

Add Funds With a Debit Card

Adding a debit carte is just as easy as adding a banking concern account. A key departure is that there's a $twenty minimum to transfer coin to your Greenlight account.[1]

Add a Debit Card

  1. Tap the gear icon in the height correct of the parent app (Settings)
  2. Go to Funding preferences > Funding sources > Add a Funding Account
  3. Choose "Add together a debit card manually"
  4. Enter your debit card data
  5. Load your desired amount to your Greenlight account
  6. Amount will post to your debit card in 2 amounts
  7. Enter those ii amounts in your Greenlight app to confirm your debit card

How to Add together Money to Your Child'south Account

One time you have coin in your parent's wallet, you tin transfer money instantly to your kid at any time. You can send your kid money through the parent app:

  1. Find the child you want to transport money to and tap Send $
  2. Choose where to send the coin to: Spend Anywhere, Spend Control, General Savings, or Giving
  3. Enter the amount you want to send and hit "Move Money"

The money transfer should mail service to your kid's business relationship immediately. You don't need to wait two-three business days.

Can Grandparents Add Coin to Greenlight?

With the Greenlight Gift characteristic, family and friends tin send coin to your child. This part is great for birthdays and special occasions. You lot don't need to exist a Greenlight user to send a gift.

Here'southward how you can give a Greenlight Souvenir:

  1. Visit Give a gift with Greenlight
  2. Enter your gift details
  3. Choose text, email, or print every bit the commitment method
  4. Checkout and consummate your guild

The money gets sent straight to your child if you cull email or text delivery. If you choose to print information technology, yous'll exist able to give a folio with a redemption code to the kid in person.

Can You Add Money Using an ATM?

Greenlight doesn't support ATM cash deposits. Your child can only withdraw money from an ATM.[2]

If y'all want to add greenbacks to your carte du jour, the best way is to deposit it to your funding source first. From there, you can transfer money to your parent's wallet every bit usual.

Bottom Line

Greenlight is a great fashion to teach kids how to manage finances. The account offers a lot of flexibility. Parents can easily transport kids money and encourage kids to save and spend responsibly.

Desire to acquire more almost how Greenlight can aid your family? Read the full Greenlight review and find out how it compares to competitors.


  1. ^ Greenlight. Are there funding and spending limits for my business relationship?, Retrieved 5/26/2022
  2. ^ Greenlight. Tin can I make deposits to my Greenlight Carte via ATM?, Retrieved 5/26/2022

Donna Tang is the caput of purpose and audience at CreditDonkey, a bank comparison and reviews website. Write to Donna Tang at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for our latest posts.

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