
How To Put Parental Control On Play Store

Google Play Store
Google Play Store (Paradigm credit: Joe Maring / Android Fundamental)

The Google Play Shop is a vast market place filled with tons of great kid-friendly content, just there's also some things on here that are decidedly not child-friendly. If you just got your kid an Android phone that they'll be managing rather than beingness under your Family unit Link profile, you can even so set parental controls on Google Play to keep them out of the more mature content on the store, also as keeping them from making purchases on their own.

Getting parental controls prepare is a like shooting fish in a barrel and won't require you linking your business relationship to their phone through Family Link, just setting a numeric Pivot that will lock out the controls to modify the settings dorsum to unrestricted.

How to turn on parental controls in Google Play

  1. Open Google Play on your child'southward phone.
  2. Tap the three line menu icon in the left corner of the search bar.
  3. Tap Settings. Source: Ara Wagoner / Android Cardinal

  1. Tap Parental controls.
  2. Tap the toggle next to Parental controls are off.
  3. Type in your desired PIN code. Source: Ara Wagoner / Android Central

  1. Tap OK.
  2. Blazon in your desired Pivot code again.
  3. Tap OK to confirm it.
  4. Parental controls are now enabled, simply by default they're fix to allow all content. Tap Apps & games. Source: Ara Wagoner / Android Central

  1. Tap the maximum app rating you wish to allow. If you're dealing with a teenager, I recommend setting information technology at Mature, since social media apps tend to straddle the line between T for Teen and M for Mature.
  2. You lot'll encounter a pop-upward warning telling you that this won't uninstall apps already on your child's phone, it will just restrict the download of any more than apps in this content category. Tap OK.
  3. Tap Relieve. Source: Ara Wagoner / Android Central

  1. Repeat steps 9-11 with each content category.
  2. When you have the controls set up as desired, tap the dorsum arrow in the peak left corner to exit this menu. This is important because if you give information technology back before you leave the menu, your child can uncomplicated tap the toggle at the top of the screen to turn parental controls back off. Source: Ara Wagoner / Android Central

The content settings for apps, movies and TV are pretty straightforward since these categories already have standardized content classification systems, but for books and music, you have a single toggle that you lot can plough on or leave off in regards to explicit content. To be fair, apart from the Explicit tag, information technology's hard to take a coating rule for musical maturity, but I would've thought there was a more granular control available for books.

The device-only settings only restrict apps based on their content rating, meaning they won't block a child from buying premium apps that are within the content limits set up for them. In social club to keep kids from buying things left and right, yous need to have Family unit Link prepare upwardly and enabled on their phone. Here's how to become it activated.

  1. Open the Family Link app.
  2. Tap your child'south profile.
  3. Tap Manage settings.
  4. Tap Controls on Google Play. Source: Android Central

  1. Tap Require approval for.
  2. Tap All content. Source: Android Central

What if there's a higher-rated app my kid already has installed?

Apps already installed aren't uninstalled when you lot turn on parental controls, they just no longer evidence up on the Google Play Store in your Installed apps list, which is kind of a bummer since that ways yous're not going to see when it needs updates. This also means that if your child makes a compelling enough argument for letting them utilise Reddit or Twitter — those apps are both rather M for Mature — yous can turn off the app filter, download the app, and so plough the filter back on.

  • Want more than these parental controls? Await into Family unit Link

Ara Wagoner was a staff author at Android Cardinal. She themes phones and pokes YouTube Music with a stick. When she'south not writing about cases, Chromebooks, or customization, she's wandering effectually Walt Disney Earth. If yous see her without headphones, RUN. You can follow her on Twitter at @arawagco.


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